Sunday, July 18, 2010


We finished moving the rest of the sod from around the deck to the fire-pit area this morning...looks really our new fight will be keeping Porter's paws clean when he comes inside the house after playing and especially after watering...good luck, right?
This picture is after we moved approximately 130 sq ft of sod from the deck area to the fire-pit can see all of our extra dirt that we had to move because of our thick sod that we really was lookin' good though at this point! You can also see the two different colors of our sod it is a very colorful area...

Done..Done...Done!!! Finally finished with the fire-pit area sod! We only had to buy 40 sq ft but we were able to get a steal of a deal because our sod rolls were the last four of the five on the pallet (they were pretty dry and needed some extra love) at Lowes...Thanks Lowes!

So the grass over the in the fire-pit area is multi-green in color which is pretty cool if you as me - especially since it was dirt brown before!

Here is a shot of our veggie garden...Here is the layout starting at the row closest in the picture, 1. Jalapenos (Potatoes on the end), 2. Banana Peppers (Potatoes on the end), 3. Sweet Onions (Cowboy and another variety that I cannot remember), 4. Cucumbers (Potatoes on the end), 5. Zucchini, 6. Yellow Cherry Tomatoes (I cannot remember the real name), and 7. Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkins...Whew! That's a lot!
It has been pretty warm here mid-80's to low-90's and we have been enjoying taking care of the yard this weekend. of the flowers in the front yard!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Today we worked in the backyard and were able to move a little sod from around our current deck to our former pool area...Porter is laying in the new area of time for some major watering so the grass doesn't get too upset with the move.

This is where the sod came from...the outline of the sod will be pretty much where the new and improved deck will be. The deck will be 18' x 13' with a step on all three sides
so when finished 20' x 14' which equals fabulous!
We are going to save as much sod as possible to fill the former pool area which is now the fire-pit area. We think the area around the fire-pit will be really great since this area is the first location for shade in our backyard.
We don't have any current photos of the veggie garden but it is looking really good! There are a ton of flowers on our tomatoes, the zucchini are getting flowers, the cucumbers and pumpkin plants are just about ready to flower and the peppers are getting big. The potato plants and onions are really looking great as well. We'll try to post a picture soon.

Friday, July 9, 2010

4th of July in Mazanita, OR

Fireworks on Manzanita Beach for the 4th of July. It was a really nice fireworks display and it was fun to just sit on the beach. Porter went with us and loved watching the fireworks in the sky, normally I would not take a dog but he doesn't mind loud bangs at all (from fireworks or from guns).

We got down to the beach prior to the firworks show and everyone had a bon-fire except for us...we had no idea that there would be so many...

Manzanita, OR - Family Reunion

Dreisbach Family Reunion 2010 in Manzanita, OR

Brian and Charlie on our hike just outside of Manzanita. There were a ton of surfers at this beach and some really cool rocks.

Earl and I made this Sea Turtle with a surrounding moat on Manzanita Beach

Earl and Porter playing in the water

Earl and I at Manzanita Beach

Sunset on Manzanita Beach
I have a video of Porter playing in the water but I cannot get it to show up on the blog so here is the web address for YouTube