Thursday, July 21, 2011

Trusses - Phase I

Trusses are up! Well all but over the front door. We just got those today!

Hope this shot ties things together for the image of our addition.

Thanks Brian and Charlie for helping Earl while I was at work. The trusses look awesome! Time for some OSB.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Construction Site Views

Just a few shots of our view this evening...

There was an amazing rainbow - FULL rainbow that was just beautiful!

Earl admiring the rainbow...maybe there is a pot of gold next to the water tower!?!

So the front of the house had a great rainbow and the back of the house had a colorful sunset! We were able to snap a family photo.

And Porter sitting very nice!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


And we have walls...

Earl built wall jacks with pipe and boat trailer winches to raise the walls into place - they were pretty slick and really helped out the back!

Our first upstairs wall is up!

And this is our second wall...two more to go!


We have stairs!

The stringers were a 4th of July project just prior to going out to a Spokane Indians' baseball game with fireworks after the game

Porter loves the stairs and races up and down as we go up and down...