Kuuma treed the Chipmunk - this was a very long process it all began on Friday, you can see below in a backwards story...

Kuuma's chipper friend in the tree, she/he would work up the tree when Kuuma came around and then would work back down the tree to see if she was paying attention and you better believe she was at all times. Kuuma has chipmunk eyes!

Friday night she had worn herself out trying to find the chipmunk and you can see below she though it was in the wood pile - Do you think her tongue could get ANY longer?

Cute Kuuma butt trying to find the chipmunk

Kuuma taking post. Kuuma is the chipmunk watch dog, she will sit for hours on end just waiting for any movement that might be a chipmunk, she is on guard and so tense about her "job" that she will wear herself out.
Now to what we were doing at the cabin...

We were log washing the inside of the cabin - the logs look so clean and bright now!

Just a shot of some of the walls Brian and Charlie put up - view from the front door

Another shot of the walls from the back door by the kitchen area and the first room through the wall of studs is the bathroom - it now has a bathtub plumbed in and the toilet is next