Sunday, September 20, 2009

Elk Farm in Rose Lake Area

On our way home from Missoula this weekend, we decided to make a short drive past an Elk Farm in the Rose Lake, ID area.

I had to take a picture of this Tom...I know, not an Elk! Maybe one day I'll get one...

The group of Elk at the farm, you can see the fence that keeps them in.

This is a wild Cow Elk that was outside of the fence. She was quite nervous about Earl, Kuuma and I in the car...she just wasn't too sure of us.

This is a video of a farmed Bull Elk that is "in love" with the wild Cow Elk outside of the fence. You can hear Earl and I sounding like the biggest dorks but you can also hear the Bull Elk bugle to the Cow Elk on the outside of the fence. They were both trying to figure out the best way to get to each other...LOVE.

All of the Bull Elk had their antlers trimmed down pretty short, we assume so they do not try to kill each other while they are in their fenced area this time of year. They tend to argue over the ladies a bit when they are in their rut.


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