Hi, we just wanted to make sure that we posted a little something before the New Year hits us! We are both looking forward to a great 2010. Our 2009 has been a wonderful one - lots of snow early in the year, a first birthday for our nephew Payton in Las Vegas, our first wedding anniversary, spent time with family both in our home and away, had a beautiful veggie garden, Earl got a new job which he is really enjoying (especially the winter break so far!), U of Montana Griz Football season tickets, and we got a new puppy, Porter. We also had a couple of sad moments but know that we have angels watching over us everyday.
Here is a picture of Porter with his new upland game bird - he's a bird dog you know!?! He loves his Christmas bird and loves to hear his call.
Here are a couple of pictures of Brian and Charlie and then of Earl and I sitting on a neat tree that we saw while hiking on a pretty but cold day at Bass Creek in Montana.

I would have posted pictures of our new RC plane the Super Cub but well...we'll save that for another time - maybe within this next year!
Lots of love to all, as well as, great joy for the up and coming 2010!